Learn to Dance
Bobbi Kilty. Learn to Dance. Collage in India Ink, acrylics, water color, decorative Japanese paper, acrylic skins, comic book imagery on Stonehenge. 43″w x 30″h, framed. $950.00
Bobbi Kilty. Learn to Dance. Collage in India Ink, acrylics, water color, decorative Japanese paper, acrylic skins, comic book imagery on Stonehenge. 43″w x 30″h, framed. $950.00
Bobbi Kilty, Zoom, Zoom. Water media using complex color scheme. India ink, water color, acrylics, Japanese paper, spackle, comic book images, acrylic skins. 43″w x 30″h. $950.00
Bobbi Kilty, Electron Flow Factor 8. Layered composition, complex color on Stonehenge, India ink, water color, acrylic, decorative Japanese paper, spackle, comic book images, acrylic skins. 43″w x 30″h, $950.00
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